Healthy Eating
Embracing Natural Resources
Our region has a history of self-reliant living and independence. That approach to life has taken shape in the form of living off the land and having a garden that provided for not only your family but for those around you…your community.With such a bounty before us, it should be easy for at least half of the adults in Western North Carolina to eat the daily recommended amount of fruits/vegetables in a day. Unfortunately, the opposite is true. The CTG project wants to ensure that everyone has access to fresh fruits and vegetables through farmers markets and corner stores.
<p><strong>For more information, click on your county below:</strong></p>

Healthy Eating Resources:

Farmers Market Resource Guides:
- REAP: Rural Eating Assessment Project
- An Apple a Day
- Cooking Local
- Crack an Egg
- Meaty and Mighty
- Farmers Markets Shopping Tips
- Honey and Your Health
- Farmers Markets: Fresh. Local. Yours.
- Now Accepting Snap Benefits
- Eat Your Spinach: It’s good to be green!
- Sweet Potatoes: One of the world’s healthiest foods.
- Tomato Facts
- Farmers Markets vs. Supermarkets
- Finding Fruits and Vegetables in Haywood County
- 5 Ways to Enjoy Fruits and Veggies
- Macon County: Local Fruits and Vegetables
Corner Store Resources: