Thank you to all those who attended our Smoke-free Multi-Unit Housing Breakfast listen and learn sponsored in part by Hi-Top ASSIST. We know that when smoking is discouraged, people are healthier. We hope that those in attendance were able to gather the information and resources needed to make the change to smoke-free housing.

Smoke-free housing is becoming a nationwide movement.  Property owners understand that second hand smoke doesn’t just stay in the apartment of a smoker, it permeates ventilation systems, walls, ceilings, even electrical outlets, stealthily creeping into the units of nonsmokers as well.

Second-hand smoke is known to cause cancer, and is responsible for 3,400 lung cancer deaths a year, plus another 42,000 heart disease deaths, among nonsmokers in the U.S., according to the American Cancer Society. Breathing in second-hand smoke is also tied to worsening asthma in about 1 million children every year and hundreds of thousands of lower respiratory tract infections in children under 18 months old.

In addition to the health hazards, smoking is the main cause of fatalities in residential fires. Smoke-free policies reduce maintenance and turnover costs, and can reduce insurance rates.

Live Smoke Free can provide you with the materials and resources you need to transition to a smoke-free building, many of which are available on their website.  Their services are free and can be tailored to meet your needs. Start by checking out this video.